

Quantum Analytical SA de CV

Retorno 28 de Avenida del Taller No. 18

Col. Jardin Balbuena

México D.F., C.P. 15900


Tel.: +52 55 5768 5508

Fax: +52 55 2737 8076

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Reference person: Mr. Oscar Perez

AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR (except for schools, universities and the didactic sector in general)



HIC Instruments SAS de CV

Puerto Juárez No. 112-B

Col. Ampliación Piloto

Mexico City, C.P. 01298


Tel.: +52 55 2612 0310

Mobile/WhatsApp: +52 55 3197 7461 

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reference person: Mr. David Flores

AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR (except for schools, universities and the didactic sector in general)



Rivers Solutions

Tenochtitlan 230

Col. Montealban

Apodaca, N.L.


Tel.: +52 0181 8240 3165, 17764143

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reference person: Eng. Bit Yakin Rios Lezama

AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR (except for schools, universities and the didactic sector in general)



Dedutel S.A. de C.V.

Calle Central No. 7, Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco

C.P. 53370 Naucalpan, Edo. de México


Tel.: +52 53 59 52 61, 55 76 14 77 Ext.: 106

Free call: 01 800 777 1106 (from Mexico, only)

Fax: +52 53 59 50 64

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact person: Eng. Jorge Saavedra

AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR (only for schools, universities and the didactic sector in general)