Astor 900/d Digital Waterbath
The waterbath for microbiological uses and all kinds of laboratory applications
Thanks to the digital thermal regulator, Astor 900/d keeps the set temperature very accurately. It is the ideal solution for all microbiological purposes, such as keeping the culture media at the right temperature values or for some incubations in tubes, flasks, wells, etc.. Of course, Astor 900/d is perfect for all kind of laboratory applications, as well.
Technical features:
Control head in quality painted aluminium
- Stainless steel tank
- Stainless steel oblique, anti-condensation, hinged lid
- Electronic thermal regulation
- Digital display
- Resolution: 0,1°C
- Propeller to mix and homogenize the water temperature in the tank
- Over-temperature safety device for insufficient water level
- Temperature range: from +5°C above the room value up to +99,9°C
- Temperature stability: better than 0,5°C
- Power consumption: 1.000 W
- External dimensions: 54 x 34 x 32 cm (w x d x h)
- Internal dimensions: 35 x 19 x 25 cm (w x d x h)
Optional accessories:
- Stainless steel holder for 28 butyrometers
- Stainless steel holders for different containers (sizes to be specified)